The lily and the bee

by Tim Abeln
The lily and the bee
Tim Abeln
Photograph - Photography
This image was one of my first when I just started photography. The amount of detail captured is amazing considering the poor equipment used and a complete lack of skills! A starters luck perhaps?
May 12th, 2017
Comments (6)

Andrew Wilson
What an amazing image!
Tim Abeln replied:
Thank you Andrew. Many people seem to like it. As the description says, it was a bit of beginners luck :)

Heather King
I can't believe I didn't see this one... truly phenomenal work of art Tim! This takes some serious skill, which in this department I wouldn't have because i'm deathly allergic to bees, but this...it's a masterpiece ♥ F/L

Jane Gatward
Beautiful Tim, I can even see the pollen sacks on the bee's legs! L/F/Tw
Tim Abeln replied:
Haha, awesome you noticed that! That tiny detail is exactly what makes this image so fascinating for me. Thank you!