Low Key Flowers

by Tim Abeln
Low Key Flowers
Tim Abeln
Photograph - Photography
Matthiola incana - Due to the spicy sweet smell, the flower is associated with romance and loving attention. This low-key lighting still life will look great as decoration on your wall in your home and office.
July 30th, 2017
Comments (46)

Lois Bryan
there's nothing more appealing than beautiful flowers against a black background ... gorgeous work!!!! l/f

Morris Finkelstein
Beautiful floral photograph with great light and shadows, perspective, black background, and composition, Tim! Congratulations on your feature in The 200 Club! F/L

Barbie Corbett-Newmin
Congratulations. Your special photography has been chosen to be featured on the home page of The 200 Club - Best Photos With Over 200 Views Up To 500. You are invited to archive it in the appropriate discussion threads.