Red Hibiscus Flower
by Tim Abeln
Red Hibiscus Flower
Tim Abeln
Photograph - Photography
Dating to the Victorian era, when flowers adorned clothing, stationery, wallpaper, hats, china and jewelry, the hibiscus means "delicate beauty," relating to the sunny and delicate conditions under which it will bloom and to the fragility and beauty of its flower. Today, "delicate beauty" is the common meaning of the hibiscus when used in flower arrangements or given as a gift. In North America it is commonly known as the "rose of Sharon" and symbolizes the "perfect bride": fruitful, of beauty and one with God.
July 23rd, 2017
Comments (11)
Michael Mirijan
This wonderful picture is featured on the homepage of the "Pictures for Present" group.
John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Jasna Dragun
Congratulations on your feature in the "Global Flowers Photography" and "Pick Of The Day" 23.07. !! l/f